[26]Vernon Bogdanor,Devolution in the United Kingdom,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999,pp. 203-204.有关苏格兰法细节的讨论请参见:Barry K. Winetrobe,“Enacting Scotland's 'Written Constitution‘:The Scotland Act 1998,”in Philip Norton(ed.),A Century of Constitutional Reform,Chichester:Wiley-Blackwell for The Parliamentary Yearbook Trust,2011,pp. 85-100.
[28]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 176-182.
[29]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 188-193;Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom pp. 209-210.
[30]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 182-188.
[31]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution p. 187.
[33]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 239-240243-244 316.
[34]Jowell and Oliver(ed.) The Changing Constitution pp. 98-101; David Feldman “Extending the Role of the Courts: The Human Rights Act 1998” in Philip Norton(ed.) A Century of Constitutional Reform pp. 65-84.
[35]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 29 130-131241-251264-265.
[36]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 129-130.
[37]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 129-130.
[38]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 206-207; Dawn Oliver Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom p. 293.
[39]目前(2011年6月),下院议员肯尼斯.克拉克(Kenneth Clarke)掌管着这个内阁部门。上院的辩论原来由大法官来主持,但是,因为现在上院已经没有了大法官,上院的贵族不得不选举一个议长(Lord Speaker)来主持他们的辩论,并代表上院出席各种仪式。
[40]Nevil Johnson,Reshaping the British Constitution,pp.255-258,这个最高法院的组成和细节可参见:http://www.supremecourt.gov.uk/index.html.
[41]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 224-228.
[42]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 131-132.
[43]Michael Moran Politics and Governance in the UK p. 198.
[44]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 124-125;Dawn Oliver Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom p 188;Gillan Peele,Governing the UK,p.34.有关1911年议会法的最近研究参见:Chris Ballinger,“Hedging and Ditching:The Parliament Act 1911” in Philip Norton(ed.) A Century of Constitutional Reform pp. 19-32;http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo5/1-2/13/contents;http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukgpa/Geo6/12-13-14/103/contents.
[45]Dawn Oliver Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom pp. 8 191.
[46]Vernon Bogdanor “Britain and the European Community” in Jowell and Oliver(ed.) The Changing Constitution pp. 9-15.
[47]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 265-266.
[48]The Life Peerage Act 1958 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Eliz2/6-7/21/contents.
[49]Michael Moran Politics and Governance in the UK p. 212.
[50]《1999年上院法》详见:http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1999/1990034.html;参见:Nevil Johnson,Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 127-129210-216;Dawn Oliver Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom pp. 193-200.
[51]“Proposed Reform of the House of Lords” cm 6488 http://www.archive2.official-documents.co.uk/document/cm64/6488/6488.pdf.
[52]Michael Moran Politics and Governance in the UK pp. 209-13.
[54]Keith Sutherland(ed.) The Rape of the Constitution?p. 62.
[56]Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom pp. 219-224.
[57]Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom pp. 221225-226.
[58]Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom pp. 224-225.
[59]Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom. p. 215;Michael Moran Politics and Governance in the UK pp. 223226.
[60]Michael Moran Politics and Governance in the UK p. 241;Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution pp. 131 187.
[61]Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom pp. 211 232 264.
[62]Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom pp. 227-235;Dawn Oliver Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom p. 288;Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution p. 196.
[63]Dawn Oliver Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom pp. 288-289.
[64]2006年6月25日,苏格兰《观察》的星期天版宣称,英格兰人对以下现象日益不满:约翰?里德(John Reid)是苏格兰籍下院议员,作为英国政府的内政部长,他能够决定英格兰兰开郡的警察事务,但却不能决定苏格兰拉纳克郡的警察事务。道格拉斯?亚历山大,那时的交通部长,未来能够决定英格兰的公路收费,却不能对自己苏格兰选区作同样的事情。
[65]Dawn Oliver,Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom,p.290;Vernon Bogdanor,Devolution in the United Kingdom,pp. 271-273.
[67]Vernon Bogdanor Devolution in the United Kingdom p. 229.
[68]Dawn Oliver Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom p. 289.
[69]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution p. 3.
[70]Nevil Johnson Reshaping the British Constitution p. 2.